Deliver the library your community needs.

LibraryIQ leverages data from public input and library best practices to provide Community Needs Assessments with deep understanding of patron and community needs.

The result? The right services at the right time and in the right place for your community. Confidently approach government officials and funders with budget and facility requests. And best of all, boldly innovate while meeting local needs.


Community Needs Assessment Process:

  • Review existing local conditions 

  • Identify opportunities and challenges

  • Gather broad community input via innovative and inclusive public engagement strategy 

  • Analyze data to quantify the need and public demand for library services 

  • Identify and evaluate alternative strategies such as library co-location 

  • Evaluate relocating current library services to an existing facility or construction of new facility

  • Provide library size recommendation based on community need

  • Determine staffing requirements for recommended library size

  • Provide technology and furnishing requirements

  • Evaluate funding options for renovation/new construction

  • Deliver projected initial capital and ongoing operating costs

  • Propose potential funding strategies (e.g. grants, municipal funding, tax credits, or private resources)


Find out what your community wants from its library and create a plan to deliver.





We’re Data-Driven

LibraryIQ uses data, not instinct, to inform the most critical decisions at your library. When decisions are backed by data, you can feel confident that you’re supporting the community’s needs.

> See the LibraryIQ Platform.

We Know Libraries

LibraryIQ services are provided by expert library practitioners with current, real-world experience supporting libraries across the US. LibraryIQ experts are focused on streamlining operations and improving patron experience.

> Meet our team.